По договоренности
Hello! We need in more than 90 brief articles about different brands in English. It's a test job about one of them Microsoft company. We will continue to work with a copywriter who will write the excellent article about this company and will increase our price for him.
The price is for the first text. After we will increase the price by agreement.
Requirements: 2000 characters without spaces for the text. Only 2000 characters! If you will write a long article, your text will be automatically discarded.
1. Short history of the company: when it was founded, by who, the brand price, the country of origin, the logo, the slogan.
2. Information about the ads and commercials: the advertising budget, TV, internet ads etc, sponsorship, interaction with other brands and companies, awards, interesting facts.
In the attached document you can find the technical task. It will be a template for other brands if we will continue to work.