Money Spot - motivation organizer
Просмотров: 5
Дата добавления: 01.03.13 в 11:57
Дата обновления: 30.10.14 в 16:58
Money Spot is a motivation organizer for money making. It is a personal finance management application, integrated with contact book and geo map. To achieve maximum benefit, we use psychological techniques of visualization and motivation. We use clear design, simple tools and options in order to increase the speed of making money. Start Your money track with Money Spot and feel how useful it. How its works? 1.Plan: Plan to earn some money? Simply create a new Spot by clicking on the "Add New Spot". Each time create new Spots. 2. Visualize: Going to the Money Spot, imagine that the amount earned by using visualization techniques. Watch your Money Track. 3.Earn Money: When the amount to be earned, click "Money earned."