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26 Января 2017
Бюджет: 800 $
ItemForge is a micro company from Poland, which sells virtual goods and services for online games since 2012. Currently, our flag games are Diablo 2, Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft. IF YOU A 10k+ EXPERIENCE IN OTHER MMO GAMES, PLEASE CONTACT ME DIRECTLY.

Our products can be found here

We are always looking for serious and reliable gamers who value quality above everything else.

Offer is only for MMORPG players.
Every position will have wide range of tasks and responsibilities but the main theme of them all is product management, expect to do that at least 75% of the time.

General requirements:
- Multitasking and focus
- Ability to read, adapt and learn fast (games change all the time, you need to stay up to date) – Responsible & reliable
- Minimum 20-40h a week, flexible hours should be possible if you need it
- Long term (this job is for years – the game may change, but the players remain the same!)
- Thick skin

Following positions are available:

1) NOOB (2-4$ / hour- about 300-600$ / month) with communicative English
Tasks will involve mainly D2 + D3 (and soon WoW). You need to learn basics about every game in the offer and choose at least 1 game that you will learn well. This job will involve:
- Taking + cropping screenshots and simple ctrl+v edits of product descriptions
- Delivery + trading
- (optional) Services like power leveling or boosting + researching and testing new ones – (optional) Making gameplay videos (dubbing is not required)
This position will require good enough PC to handle the newest games (sometimes multiple clients opened at the same time) and patience for menial tasks.

2) RANDOM (4-7$ / hour- about 500-1000$ / month) with 99% correct English and attention to detail to do all of the above and additionally copy tasks like:
- Adding statistical data to descriptions (ctrl+v)
- Replicating offer in different marketplaces (auctions) – Summarizing guides (excerpt)
- Customer service (written)
Nobody with a few years of computer/internet experience (few hours of daily usage) should have any problems with using different API(s) to do mostly ctrl+v (you will not be asked to create anything but to fit existing text into different layout).

3) PRO (more than a Random) with sufficient expertise in at least one game that is in ItemForge's offer to do all of the above and additionally:

- Writing descriptions (adding and updating products)
You need to know game mechanics and itemization by heart (at least 3000 hours /played and /read).

4) MASTER (% of the profit made by your work and know-how and/or a fixed salary) with in-depth game knowledge (10.000 hours played and impressive accomplishments to back it up), to be responsible for adding and maintaining offer for at least 1 popular MMO (preferably a game that is not in ItemForge's offer already).
It is creative work that involves writing descriptions, guides, inventing products to sell and setting up supply-delivery chain with the help of ItemForge's resources. You need to be independent, self- motivated and be able to figure out things by yourself. I can show you suggested way of doing things to meet quality standards but if you need hand-holding with every little thing or pat on the back, this position is not for you. This opportunity is for top 0.1% players ONLY and will require a serious commitment from you.


1. Which position are you applying for, why that one and what kind of tasks do want to do?
2. Typing speed (words/strokes per minute via 10fastfingers)
3. Experience in online gaming industry and D2 D3 WoW knowledge
4. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things)
5. Weekly and yearly availability (how many hours and days per week you want to work)
6. Preferred trial and long-term hourly price
7. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes)
8. Cover letter (sell yourself!)

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 7 лет 10 месяцев 15 дней 7 часов 45 минут
Раздел: Аутсорсинг и консалтинг / Менеджер по продажам

11 Января 2017
Бюджет: 600 $
ItemForge is a micro company from Poland, which sells virtual goods and services for online games since 2012. Currently, our flag games are Diablo 2, Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft.
Our mission is to become the beacon of trust in the industry filled with shady deals. This will be achieved not only by providing the biggest variety of items and services, but also by making professional product descriptions that will educate customers and regular players alike.
We are always looking for serious and reliable gamers who value quality above everything else. If you want career in gaming industry, we have many opportunities from simple power leveler to management positions. We embrace remote work from home because we don't need to rely on local talent and you save time/money on commute and appearance.

We Offer:
- A lot of freedom and flexible hours
- Wide variety of interesting tasks
- Challenging projects for the brightest

We Require:
- Professionalism
- Passion for MMO games


1) NOOB (3-5$ / hour) with communicative English
Tasks will involve mainly D2 + D3 (and soon WoW). You need to learn basics about every game in the offer and choose at least 1 game that you will learn well. This job will involve:
- Taking + cropping screenshots and simple ctrl+v edits of product descriptions
- Delivery + trading
- (optional) Services like power leveling or boosting + researching and testing new ones – (optional) Making gameplay videos (dubbing is not required)
This position will require good enough PC to handle the newest games (sometimes multiple clients opened at the same time) and patience for menial tasks.

2) RANDOM (5-7$ / hour) with 99% correct English and attention to detail to do all of the above and additionally copy tasks like:
- Adding statistical data to descriptions (ctrl+v)
- Replicating offer in different marketplaces (auctions) – Summarizing guides (excerpt)
- Customer service (written)
Nobody with a few years of computer/internet experience (few hours of daily usage) should have any problems with using different API(s) to do mostly ctrl+v (you will not be asked to create anything but to fit existing text into different layout).

Please include all of the following information in your offer (failing to provide a clear answer to any of them will most likely cause your application to be auto-declined):

1. Which position are you applying for, why that one and what kind of tasks do want to do? 2. Typing speed (words/strokes per minute via 10fastfingers)
3. Experience in online gaming industry and D2 D3 WoW knowledge
4. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things that take thousands of hours)
5. Weekly and yearly availability (how many hours and days per week you want to work)
6. Preferred trial and long-term hourly price
7. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes)
8. Cover letter (sell yourself)

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 7 лет 11 месяцев 6 часов 48 минут
Раздел: Сайты / Контент-менеджер

18 Декабря 2016
Бюджет: 1000 $
General requirements:
- Multitasking and focus
- Ability to read, adapt and learn fast (games change all the time, you need to stay up to date) – Responsible & reliable
- Minimum 20-40h a week, flexible hours should be possible if you need it
- Long term (this job is for years – the game may change, but the players remain the same!)
- Thick skin

Following positions are available:
1) NOOB (3-5$ / hour) with communicative English
Tasks will involve mainly D2 + D3 (and soon WoW). You need to learn basics about every game in the offer and choose at least 1 game that you will learn well. This job will involve:
- Taking + cropping screenshots and simple ctrl+v edits of product descriptions
- Delivery + trading
- (optional) Services like power leveling or boosting + researching and testing new ones – (optional) Making gameplay videos (dubbing is not required)
This position will require good enough PC to handle the newest games (sometimes multiple clients opened at the same time) and patience for menial tasks.
2) RANDOM (5-7$ / hour) with 99% correct English and attention to detail to do all of the above and additionally copy tasks like:
- Adding statistical data to descriptions (ctrl+v)
- Replicating offer in different marketplaces (auctions) – Summarizing guides (excerpt)
- Customer service (written)
Nobody with a few years of computer/internet experience (few hours of daily usage) should have any problems with using different API(s) to do mostly ctrl+v (you will not be asked to create anything but to fit existing text into different layout).
3) PRO (6-10$ / hour) with sufficient expertise in at least one game that is in ItemForge's offer to do all of the above and additionally:
- Writing descriptions (adding and updating products)
You need to know game mechanics and itemization by heart (at least 3000 hours /played and /read).
4) MASTER (% of the profit made by your work and know-how and/or a fixed salary) with in-depth game knowledge (10.000 hours played and impressive accomplishments to back it up), to be responsible for adding and maintaining offer for at least 1 popular MMO (preferably a game that is not in ItemForge's offer already).
It is creative work that involves writing descriptions, guides, inventing products to sell and setting up supply-delivery chain with the help of ItemForge's resources. You need to be independent, self- motivated and be able to figure out things by yourself. I can show you suggested way of doing things to meet quality standards but if you need hand-holding with every little thing or pat on the back, this position is not for you. This opportunity is for top 0.1% players ONLY and will require a serious commitment from you.
5) DIABLO EXPERT (7-15$ / hour)
- This is improved PRO for Diablo series specifically which is the highest priority job now, detailed description is available as offer.
Please include all of the following information in your offer (failing to provide a clear answer to any of them will most likely cause your application to be auto-declined):
1. Which position are you applying for, why that one and what kind of tasks do want to do? 2. Typing speed (words/strokes per minute via 10fastfingers)
3. Experience in online gaming industry and D2 D3 WoW knowledge
4. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things that take thousands of hours)
5. Weekly and yearly availability (how many hours and days per week you want to work)
6. Preferred trial and long-term hourly price
7. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes)
8. Cover letter (sell yourself)

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 7 лет 11 месяцев 25 дней 4 часа 18 минут

14 Декабря 2016
Бюджет: 10 $
Job is adding products in online store, using provided source files and/or given sources. You need to be expert to be able to:
1) correct any errors and typos (especially items that do not exist)
2) paste right info into the right place to make navigation through offers as easy as possible (attributes/filters, keywords/SEO etc.)
3) add or at least make a list of missing info (more information, photo, variations etc.)

Minimum 95% quality is required, which means that out of 100 products (offers are usually short), you can make maximum of 5 mistakes like: double space/typos/ctrl+v gone bad etc. Product's name and price must be 100% correct, there can also be no impossible item combinations.
You need very good English, solid internet education (know all the tools and how to use them), basic math, focus and attention to detail. Your salary will be based on your experience and results. If you do well, long-term and full-time position will be offered.

You need to be expert in either game (thousands of hours spent), guidelines:
D2: Know every useful item, their attributes and price (someone who became rich via trading should have that knowledge)
D3: Know all popular builds, stats priority that apply to all of them and which item enables which build (someone with 2000+ paragon should have that knowledge)

If you think you have what it takes, answer following question:
D2: What are the stats (including def and req) of perf Dream Kurast Res and perf Exile Kurast ED?
D3: What are values of perf Rare Amulet and perf properties of the best leveling Legendary Boots (used to quickly reach 70 lvl)?

Need all of the following information in your offer (failing to provide a clear answer to any of them will most likely cause your application to be auto-declined):
1. Answer qualification question about the game you apply to work on and explain your process of getting to that answer
2. Typing speed (words/strokes per minute via 10fastfingers)
3. Experience in online gaming industry and D2 D3 WoW knowledge
4. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things that take thousands of hours)
5. Weekly and yearly availability (how many hours and days per week you want to work, are you looking for a long-term job?)
6. Preferred trial and long-term hourly price
7. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes)
8. Cover letter (sell yourself!)

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 7 лет 11 месяцев 29 дней 3 часа 48 минут

14 Декабря 2016
Бюджет: 5 $
My know-how and customer base enables out of the box jobs for 95% Diablo 3 + 5% WoW but I'm always looking for suppliers for other games. The more games you learn, the more jobs you will be eligible to get so I suggest learning minimum these two. I will explain and provide everything you need to get started (I just need your time) but it is up to you to learn basics (game mechanics). I can borrow account(s) but eventually you should buy your own (you need to improve your skills and knowledge in your free time anyway). If you prove to be efficient and reliable, it will become your full time job.

- Long term (this job is for years – the game may change, but the players remain the same!)
- Responsible & reliable
- Ability to read (games change all the time, you need to stay up to date)
- STABLE internet + PC able to handle the newest MMO games

How it works (salary + responsibilities):
Offer below is for basic boosts (require only minimal game knowledge and average skills). If you are a very skilled gamer and can supply premium (top rating) boosts without my help (know-how and accounts) then please send me a list + price of services you can provide.

Always looking for:
1) TEAM (1-1.5$ / hour, sometimes 2-3 times more) for menial jobs like leveling or grinding, who can provide many players and/or 24/7 leveling on the same PC. You can outsource this job to non-English speaking friends and earn on being the middle man (you still need a manager who will train them and coordinate jobs).

2) INDIVIDUAL (1-2$ / hour, sometimes 2-3 times more) who can stream for (usually) short and skilled power leveling (typically x hours). You need above average skills/knowledge and should be online every day.

3) BOOSTER (3-8$ / hour) for D3 boosting or WoW multiboxing, who is online a lot (minimum 8h+ every day) to use 3rd party programs like Multiboxer, you should be tech savy (good at troubleshooting software etc.)
You will be doing on demand live boosting (when customer is playing himself) or multibox WoW. You should have above average skills, good enough game knowledge and at least communicative English.

4) EXPERT with very good English and in-depth game knowledge (also impressive accomplishments to back it up) to do things like:
- complex, multilayered jobs like trading or researching and testing new services
- administrating products in online shop
- writing articles/walkthroughs/video guides
- coaching
You will be paid for results and can work whenever you want. This opportunity is for top 0.1% players ONLY

Regarding positions 1 and 2:
Power Leveler position is all about manually playing online game on customer's account and achieving specific goals within set deadline. Playing manually means 100% by hand, you are not allowed (without my explicit case by case permission) to use or install anything beside the official game client. VPN Tunnel will be provided for you, you can't power level without it.
Only minimal game mechanics knowledge is required to start receiving jobs (100-200h /played). All jobs require you to be online but amount of attention needed varies from job to job, some only require you to play 10% of the time (leecher), others 100% (grind). Rate is calculated for average skill level (not a clicker or a keyboard turner). If you are very efficient and creative, you can complete some (but not all) of the jobs a few times faster or do 2-3 jobs at the same time. This means double or even triple hourly rate but it is very random so you need to be ok with the basic rate, even during jobs that take weeks to complete.
You are expected to play 8h a day, almost every day after you take the job (until you complete it). You will be paid fixed price for average delivery time (deadlines are very fair), whenever you complete it in 50% or 150% of the time, you will still be paid the same amount (this way efficiency is encouraged).

Need all of the following information in your offer (failing to provide a clear answer to any of them will most likely cause your application to be auto-declined):
1. Which position are you applying for, why that one and what kind of tasks do want to do?
2. Daily/Weekly availability
3. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes)
4. Preferred long-term hourly price (don't waste time asking for more than is offered)
5. PC/Internet specifications (can you stream?)
6. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things that take thousands of hours)
7. Experience in online gaming services industry
8. English level
9. Cover letter (sell yourself!)

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 7 лет 11 месяцев 29 дней 3 часа 49 минут

04 Декабря 2016
По договоренности
Фирма занимающаяся разработкой виртуальных продyктов в сфере компьютерных игр ищет сотрудников с коммуникативным английским и знанием/желанием изучить одну из онлайн игр Diablo 2/3 WoW. Требуется высокий уровень внимания и концентрации.

Если вы заинтересованы прочитайте и ответьте на вопросы в конце страницы.

General requirements – related to all of the positions
- Long term (this job is for years – the game may change, but the players remain the same!)
- Responsible & reliable
- Ability to read (games change all the time, you need to stay up to date)
- STABLE internet + PC able to handle the newest MMO games

How it works (salary + responsibilities):
Offer below is for basic boosts (require only minimal game knowledge and average skills). If you are a very skilled gamer and can supply premium (top rating) boosts without my help (know-how and accounts) then please send me a list + price of services you can provide.

Always looking for:
1) TEAM (1-1.5$ / hour, sometimes 2-3 times more) for menial jobs like leveling or grinding, who can provide many players and/or 24/7 leveling on the same PC. You can outsource this job to non-English speaking friends and earn on being the middle man (you still need a manager who will train them and coordinate jobs).
2) INDIVIDUAL (1-2$ / hour, sometimes 2-3 times more) who can stream for (usually) short and skilled power leveling (typically x hours). You need above average skills/knowledge and should be online every day.
3) BOOSTER (3-8$ / hour) for D3 boosting or WoW multiboxing, who is online a lot (minimum 8h+ every day) to use 3rd party programs like Multiboxer, you should be tech savy (good at troubleshooting software etc.)
You will be doing on demand live boosting (when customer is playing himself) or multibox WoW. You should have above average skills, good enough game knowledge and at least communicative English.

Regarding positions 1 and 2:
Power Leveler position is all about manually playing online game on customer's account and achieving specific goals within set deadline. Playing manually means 100% by hand, you are not allowed (without explicit case by case permission) to use or install anything beside the official game client. VPN Tunnel will be provided for you, you can't power level without it.
Only minimal game mechanics knowledge is required to start receiving jobs (100-200h /played). All jobs require you to be online but amount of attention needed varies from job to job, some only require you to play 10% of the time (leecher), others 100% (grind). Rate is calculated for average skill level (not a clicker or a keyboard turner). If you are very efficient and creative, you can complete some (but not all) of the jobs a few times faster or do 2-3 jobs at the same time. This means double or even triple hourly rate but it is very random so you need to be ok with the basic rate, even during jobs that take weeks to complete.
You are expected to play 8h a day, almost every day after you take the job (until you complete it). You will be paid fixed price for average delivery time (deadlines are very fair), whenever you complete it in 50% or 150% of the time, you will still be paid the same amount (this way efficiency is encouraged).
Please provide all of the following information in your application (failing to provide a clear answer to any of them will most likely cause your application to be auto-declined):
1. Which position are you applying for, why that one and what kind of tasks do want to do?
2. Daily/Weekly availability
3. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes)
4. Preferred long-term hourly price (don't waste time asking for more than is offered)
5. PC/Internet specifications (can you stream?)
6. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things that take thousands of hours)
7. Experience in online gaming services industry
8. English level
9. Cover letter (sell yourself!)

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 8 дней 5 часов 8 минут

05 Декабря 2016
По договоренности
Я ищу людей с отличным знанием английского языка и навыками игры в онлайн игры/желанием научиться для начинающих уровней (NOOB/RANDOM). Diablo 2/3, WoW. Денежное вознаграждение растет вместе с количеством часов посвященных игре ( перед устройством). Если вы сами не играли, но знаете профессионала – поделитесь контактом!

Offer is only for MMORPG players.
Every position will have wide range of tasks and responsibilities but the main theme of them all is product management, expect to do that at least 75% of the time.

Following positions are available:
1) NOOB (3-5$ / hour) with communicative English
Tasks will involve mainly D2 + D3 (and soon WoW). You need to learn basics about every game in the offer and choose at least 1 game that you will learn well. This job will involve:
- Taking + cropping screenshots and simple ctrl+v edits of product descriptions
- Delivery + trading
- (optional) Services like power leveling or boosting + researching and testing new ones – (optional) Making gameplay videos (dubbing is not required)
This position will require good enough PC to handle the newest games (sometimes multiple clients opened at the same time) and patience for menial tasks.
2) RANDOM (5-7$ / hour) with 99% correct English and attention to detail to do all of the above and additionally copy tasks like:
- Adding statistical data to descriptions (ctrl+v)
- Replicating offer in different marketplaces (auctions) – Summarizing guides (excerpt)
- Customer service (written)
Nobody with a few years of computer/internet experience (few hours of daily usage) should have any problems with using different API(s) to do mostly ctrl+v (you will not be asked to create anything but to fit existing text into different layout).
3) PRO (6-10$ / hour) with sufficient expertise in at least one game that is in ItemForge's offer to do all of the above and additionally:
- Writing descriptions (adding and updating products)
You need to know game mechanics and itemization by heart (at least 3000 hours /played and /read).
4) MASTER (% of the profit made by your work and know-how and/or a fixed salary) with in-depth game knowledge (10.000 hours played and impressive accomplishments to back it up), to be responsible for adding and maintaining offer for at least 1 popular MMO (preferably a game that is not in ItemForge's offer already).
It is creative work that involves writing descriptions, guides, inventing products to sell and setting up supply-delivery chain with the help of ItemForge's resources. You need to be independent, self- motivated and be able to figure out things by yourself. I can show you suggested way of doing things to meet quality standards but if you need hand-holding with every little thing or pat on the back, this position is not for you. This opportunity is for top 0.1% players ONLY and will require a serious commitment from you.
5) DIABLO EXPERT (7-15$ / hour)
- This is improved PRO for Diablo series specifically which is the highest priority job now, detailed description is available as offer.

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 7 дней 5 часов 15 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Контент-менеджер

04 Декабря 2016
Бюджет: 1000 $
Ищу человека с коммуникативным английским и знанием/желанием изучить одну из онлайн игр Diablo 2/3 WoW. Требуется высокий уровень внимания и концентрации. Описание проекта на английском

Если вы заинтересованы прочитайте и ответьте на вопросы в конце страницы.

General requirements:
- Multitasking and focus
- Ability to read, adapt and learn fast (games change all the time, you need to stay up to date)
- Responsible & reliable
- Minimum 20-40h a week, flexible hours should be possible if you need it
- Long term (this job is for years – the game may change, but the players remain the same!)
- Thick skin

Following positions are available:
1) NOOB (3-5$ / hour) with communicative English
Tasks will involve mainly D2 + D3 (and soon WoW). You need to learn basics about every game in the offer and choose at least 1 game that you will learn well. This job will involve:
- Taking + cropping screenshots and simple ctrl+v edits of product descriptions
- Delivery + trading
- (optional) Services like power leveling or boosting + researching and testing new ones
- (optional) Making gameplay videos (dubbing is not required)

This position will require good enough PC to handle the newest games (sometimes multiple clients opened at the same time) and patience for menial tasks.
2) RANDOM (5-7$ / hour) with 99% correct English and attention to detail to do all of the above and additionally copy tasks like:
- Adding statistical data to descriptions (ctrl+v)
- Replicating offer in different marketplaces (auctions)
- Summarizing guides (excerpt)
- Customer service (written)

Nobody with a few years of computer/internet experience (few hours of daily usage) should have any problems with using different API(s) to do mostly ctrl+v (you will not be asked to create anything but to fit existing text into different layout).

3) PRO (6-10$ / hour) with sufficient expertise in at least one game that is in ItemForge's offer to do all of the above and additionally:
- Writing descriptions (adding and updating products)
You need to know game mechanics and itemization by heart (at least 3000 hours /played and /read).
4) MASTER (% of the profit made by your work and know-how and/or a fixed salary) with in-depth game knowledge (10.000 hours played and impressive accomplishments to back it up), to be responsible for adding and maintaining offer for at least 1 popular MMO (preferably a game that is not in ItemForge's offer already).
It is creative work that involves writing descriptions, guides, inventing products to sell and setting up supply-delivery chain with the help of ItemForge's resources. You need to be independent, self-motivated and be able to figure out things by yourself. I can show you suggested way of doing things to meet quality standards but if you need hand-holding with every little thing or pat on the back, this position is not for you. This opportunity is for top 0.1% players ONLY and will require a serious commitment from you.
5) DIABLO EXPERT (7-15$ / hour)
- This is improved PRO for Diablo series specifically which is the highest priority job now, detailed description is available as offer.
Please include all of the following information in your offer (failing to provide a clear answer to any of them will most likely cause your application to be auto-declined):
1. Which position are you applying for, why that one and what kind of tasks do want to do?
2. Typing speed (words/strokes per minute via 10fastfingers)
3. Experience in online gaming industry and D2 D3 WoW knowledge
4. MMO accomplishments (only list impressive things that take thousands of hours)
5. Weekly and yearly availability (how many hours and days per week you want to work)
6. Preferred trial and long-term hourly price
7. Can you play without ping issues on servers located in Europe and America? (try D3 trial and make some levels on BOTH game modes)
8. Cover letter (sell yourself!)

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 7 дней 14 часов 43 минуты
Раздел: Сайты / Контент-менеджер

Наши партнеры
Сведения об ООО «Ваан» внесены в реестр аккредитованных организаций, осуществляющих деятельность в области информационных технологий. ООО «Ваан» осуществляет деятельность, связанную с использованием информационных технологий, по разработке компьютерного программного обеспечения, предоставлению доступа к программе для ЭВМ и является правообладателем программы для ЭВМ «Платформа FL.ru (версия 2.0)».