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30 Января 2020
# Some words about application I need to develop.

I have a popular app for notes management on iOS.
And now I want to create the same application on Android.
The new version must be implemented using Flutter in cross platform manner.

## Functional requirements

1) Base notes management operations: creation, editing and deletion.
2) The notes can be of two types: text or image (in future types of notes can be extended).
3) Text editor must allows user to format text and insert images inside text.
4) Notes can be organized into folders.
5) Folders can be nested (without limitations).
6) Notes can be encrypted with password.
7) Advanced notes operations: movement of notes between folders, mass operation on selected notes, share notes to other apps.

## Non functional requirements:

1) High responsible.
2) Pretty animations.
3) Convenience.

You can find a detailed description of an existing app on my site (I will provide a link in future conversation).
Here you can find all functions, look and feel of required app.
Also you can install and play with the current app (it is free or charge).

# Development Process

Development process is agile enough, but in general it uses following rules:
I will separate the whole project on a parts (one part about one week).
For each part I will setup a detailed tech goal – what you must to develop in this part of work. Also we will setup a set of dev tasks which must be done to the end of the week.
All works will be pushed in the GitHub repository.
After you have finished a task you must create a pull request that I must review and merge (or reject).
Every day we will review a current progress.
At the end of the week we will look at the completeness of planned tasks.
At the end of the month we will get a retrospective look on our works and if it is at least 80% of planned tasks, I will make a monthly payment amount of $1000.
If you have done planned features earlier, I will pay you monthly rate earlier.

Requirements to code:
Code must be clean and easy to understand and future support. Code must be friendly to future changes.
Source code must be decomposed using simple rules:
Each source code file must contain no more than 500 lines of code.
Each function must contain no more than 50 lines of code. Otherwise it must be decomposed of smaller functions.
Each folder must contain no more than 10 files.
You can use a libraries and frameworks you want, but only if I approve it.

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 4 года 10 месяцев 12 дней 13 часов 46 минут
Раздел: Программирование / Google Android
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