Alex Law
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Alex Law

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05 Апреля 2013
По договоренности
Equity Trust International of New Zealand is looking for a good quality translator(s) to assist us with the translation of Legal and Finance related documents and articles. Various quantity and frequency. Up to 100 pages per week of solid texts and ongoing. Mostly English into Russian. Confidentiality Agreement will be signed with any and all of translators we work with. Please translate the sample text and send to us for the consideration along with prices and time frame. Skype contact details are proffered as well.
Text sample:
Finance -
Our Company represent specialized Alternative Investment's and at the same time it is a well-known Impact Investment Vehicle. Designed and operated by a team of highly skilled professionals in the fields of Financial Engineering, Fund Management, and Private Equity, with the vision to ensure that it's Investors receive the highest possible returns in the safest possible environment. This is achieved by seeking out high yielding investment opportunities in sectors that are largely resistant to economic downturn, and de-risking them as much as possible while retaining the high returns. Essential services such as Energy, Water Infrastructure, and Financial Services are correlated to population growth and are typical target sectors.
The risk to invested capital is reduced to Near Zero by offering our market leading, patented A rated Capital Guarantee which is hosted by one of the world's top 20 safest banks. Returns to the Fund's private equity Investors are underwritten by Fidelis's unique Yield Protection Strategies to ensure that high returns are maintained and delivered despite external economic circumstances.

Superannuation policy
13. I have a current superannuation policy with a balance of $214213 as at 31 March 2012.Annexed and marked "A" is a certified copy of the annual statement. I acknowledge that the superannuation policy is a relationship property.
Insurance policies
14. I accept, as stated by the Applicant at paragraph 17 of the Narrative affidavit dated 22 May 2012, the insurance policies are relationship properties but currently has no surrender value for the purpose of this application.
Credit Cards
15. I have stated in my previous affidavit dated 7 August 2012 that my credit card debts amounting to $35,689.58 are relationship debt.
16. Whilst it is correctly said, I now realise that the debts have already been taken into account as part of the current liabilities of Armor Ltd in the 2012 financial year.

Please send us these translation samples in order to apply for this work.

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 11 лет 8 месяцев 10 дней 6 часов 50 минут
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