Заказчик bogdanawritersr | FL.RU


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13 Сентября 2016
Бюджет: 200 $
We offer:

1. flexible schedule and workload
2. 24/7 support team
3. simple and convenient interface

PAYMENT: You are the one to decide on the price of the paper judging from the deadline and complexity of the assignment!


1. Bachelor's degree (OR last-year students)
2. good command of written English

Please send your CV to

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 5 месяцев 20 дней 7 часов 18 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

04 Мая 2016
Бюджет: 200 $
Looking for TECHNICAL EXPERTS to work on the assignments in the following fields of study:
Architecture and Design

- Bachelor's degree/ last-year student
- ability to write/solve in English

- flexible schedule/ workload
- fair wages
- convenient interface
- bonus programs
- 24/7 support team
- interesting assignments on different topics

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com if you are interested.

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 9 месяцев 30 дней 8 часов 5 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

05 Мая 2016
Бюджет: 200 $
We are looking for writers to work on academic assignments on various topics from different fields of study.


- Bachelor's degree/ last-year student

- good academic writing skills

- advanced English

We offer:

- flexible schedule/ workload

- fair wages

- convenient interface

- bonus programs

- 24/7 support team

- interesting assignments on different topics/ from various fields of study

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com if you are interested.

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 9 месяцев 29 дней 9 часов 4 минуты
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

18 Апреля 2016
Бюджет: 200 $
We are looking for people to work on academic assignments.
- Bachelor's degree/ last-year student
- good academic writing skills
- advanced English

What do we offer:
- flexible schedule/ workload
- fair wages
- convenient interface
- bonus programs
- 24/7 support team
- interesting assignments on different topic/ from various fields of study

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com if you are interested.

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 10 месяцев 15 дней 2 часа 15 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

09 Апреля 2016
Бюджет: 200 $
We are looking for freelance writers all over the world to help our customers with writing their academic assignments.
All the writers have access to orders from all the websites. Writers check the paper instructions and decide whether they are interested in completing a certain assignment or not. If they are, they place their bid for this order. There is an opportunity to chat with the customer and discuss all the details. Then, the customer chooses a writer and assigns him by reserving funds. Once this is done, the writer starts working. Payment, as well as the paper is divided into parts. The customer can only proceed to the next part of the paper by releasing a part of the funds (this is how the customer approves it). We do not have set prices, as all our writers are free to place their bids in accordance to the urgency of the paper and its complexity.
Still, we have minimum recommended bids. For instance: if the deadline is >240h the minimum bid is $2,25. Whereas, for the deadline <8h the minimum bid for a new writer is $10 per page (275 words).
There is a service fee, but it is added to your bid. Thus, you get exactly the same sum you have chosen as your bid.

What is required:
- Bachelor' s degree (field does not matter)
- good written English

Please send your CVs to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 10 месяцев 24 дня 2 часа 35 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

04 Апреля 2016
Бюджет: 200 $
Writing Jobs Online
Your#1 Resource of Writing Jobs

"Get Paid for Writing at Home!"

> Work at Home, Make money no matter where you are
> Get paid for writing articles, essays, etc
> Choose from thousands of jobs on different subjects daily
> Flexible working hours
> High wages!

Choose From Thousands of Available Writing Jobs!
making money writing online is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. choose the job 2. submit your work 3. get paid!

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 10 месяцев 29 дней 2 часа 16 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

01 Апреля 2016
Бюджет: 150 $
Writing Jobs Online
Your#1 Resource For High-Paying Writing Jobs

"Get Paid to Write at Home!"

> Work at Home, Make money no matter where you are in the world
> Get paid to write articles, essays, and many more!
> Choose from 1,000 s of jobs daily from different subjects
> Flexible working hours,work when you want to
> High-paid writing jobs -guaranteed!

Choose From Thousands of Available High-Paying Writing Jobs!
making money writing online is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. choose job 2. submit your work 3. get paid!

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 11 месяцев 2 дня 1 час 7 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

28 Марта 2016
Бюджет: 150 $
Writing Jobs Online
Your#1 Resource For High-Paying Writing Jobs

"Get Paid to Write at Home!"

Work at Home, Make money no matter where you are in the world
Get paid to write articles, essays, and many more!
Choose from 1,000 s of jobs daily from different subjects
Flexible work hours,work when you want to
Highest-paying writing jobs-guaranteed!

Choose From Thousands of Available High-Paying Writing Jobs!
making money writing online is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. choose job 2. submit your work 3. get paid!

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 11 месяцев 6 дней 56 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Рефераты/Курсовые/Дипломы

22 Марта 2016
Бюджет: 150 $
Writing Jobs Online
Your#1 Resource For High-Paying Writing Jobs

"Get Paid to Write at Home!"

Work at Home, Make money no matter where you are in the world
Get paid to write articles, essays, and many more!
Choose from 1,000 s of jobs daily from different subjects
Flexible work hours,work when you want to
Highest-paying writing jobs-guaranteed!

Choose From Thousands of Available High-Paying Writing Jobs!
making money writing online is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. choose job 2. submit your work 3. get paid!

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 11 месяцев 12 дней 6 часов 18 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

22 Марта 2016
Бюджет: 200 $
Regarding our company:
We have a website where customers from all over the world can place their orders requiring help with academic assignments in technical discipline: from math calculations to complicated engineering solutions.
We are looking for freelance experts to work on following assignments:
Architecture and Design
What we offer: flexible schedule and workload, high wages, individual approach, 24/7 support team, simple and convenient interface, bidding system – you choose an assignment to work on and the price.

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 11 месяцев 12 дней 5 часов 22 минуты
Раздел: Тексты / Тексты на иностранных языках

16 Марта 2016
Бюджет: 150 $
We are looking for people to work on the academic assignments.

Requirements: good written English, academic writing skills
We offer: flexible schedule and workload, high wages, individual approach, 24/7 support team, simple and convenient interface.

Choose From Thousands of Available High-Paying Writing Jobs!
making money writing online is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. choose job 2. submit your work 3. get paid!

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 11 месяцев 18 дней 5 часов 35 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Рефераты/Курсовые/Дипломы

04 Марта 2016
Бюджет: 150 $
Writing Jobs Online
Your#1 Resource For High-Paying Writing Jobs

"Get Paid to Write at Home!"

Work at Home, Make money no matter where you are in the world
Get paid to write articles, essays, and many more!
Choose from 1,000 s of jobs daily from different subjects
Flexible work hours,work when you want to
Highest-paying writing jobs-guaranteed!

Choose From Thousands of Available High-Paying Writing Jobs!
making money writing online is as easy as 1,2,3!
1. choose job 2. submit your work 3. get paid!

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 8 лет 11 месяцев 30 дней 7 часов 37 минут
Раздел: Тексты / Рефераты/Курсовые/Дипломы

01 Марта 2016
Бюджет: 150 $
Writing Jobs Online

Your#1 Resource For High-Paying Writing Jobs

"Get Paid to Write at Home!"

Work at Home, Make money no matter where you are in the world

Get paid to write articles, essays, and many more!

Choose from 1,000 s of jobs daily from different subjects

Flexible work hours,work when you want to

Highest-paying writing jobs-guaranteed!

Choose From Thousands of Available High-Paying Writing Jobs!

making money writing online is as easy as 1,2,3!

1. choose job 2. submit your work 3. get paid!

Please send your CV to bogdana.writersrecruiter@gmail.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 9 лет 2 дня 5 часов 22 минуты
Раздел: Тексты / Рефераты/Курсовые/Дипломы

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