Просмотров: 2
Дата добавления: 20.09.22 в 10:27
Дата обновления: 20.09.22 в 10:30
Shirak Avia is a small airline from Armenia, which is engaged in commercial transportation. I was tasked with making a modern design that is user-friendly and relevant to current market trends in the industry. One of the mandatory conditions of the customer was the use in the design of the image of fruits symbolizing Armenia pomegranates or apricots. I did not invent anything unusual, because it could cause a feeling of discomfort for users who are used to certain well-established things on airline websites. A slider with beautiful views of Armenia, a light background of pomegranates in a block with a schedule, clean design, clear navigation and interface controls. Nothing new from the point of view of UX a nice UI update for the customer.