Moulk CRM: Портфолио фрилансера Hayk Petrosyan 04.04.2024, работа №3 - FL.RU
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Hayk Petrosyan
Hayk Petrosyan

Moulk CRM

It’s a specific ecommerce platform that covers the inner circle of management. It is for different types of businesses with workflow management, task management, salary and bonuses management and processing, warehouse automatic management: item quantity left there, types, colors and so on. It has an admin panel and has 7 different types of user sign in/up, roles and permissions, business accounts can invite their staff members, give them roles and permissions for some sections. CRM gives possibility to create custom boards, gives users possibility to give separate functionality to specific columns. Most importantly it has a drag and drop table with many draggable and droppable items and for the archive as well that includes bord, columns and list items. Has a multi search, notification system. Moulk also connects the delivery man with the operators, so delivery man workflow management is all done by the system, starting with item count, type, how much is left to be handed over and how much is already completed. Of course to make everything easier it has a report section with special filters for generating excel files with the selected filters and download option.