MegaHockey «УНИВЕРСАЛЬНЫЙ ОНЛАЙН-РЕСУРС ДЛЯ ХОККЕИСТОВ И ТРЕНЕРОВ» : Портфолио фрилансера Noty Team 11.06.2018, работа №3 - FL.RU
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Noty Team
Noty Team


MegaHockey is a universal online resource to enhance the skills of hockey players and coaches. It includes a website and a mobile application. Athletes and coaches are registered in the system. A coach creates an activity plan, adds exercises and monitors tasks performance and progress. A player takes part in training sessions, enhances the skills of the game, and masters new exercises and techniques. The system monitors the quantitative and qualitative indicators and according thereto issues statistics, evaluations of players and coaches. Moving on the tree of progress and following the recommendations, one can create a team and develop from beginner to professional, honing the skills of playing hockey in training sessions. The application is convenient and intuitively understandable. Easy settings, informative graphics of monitoring and statistics of players' progress. УНИВЕРСАЛЬНЫЙ ОНЛАЙН-РЕСУРС ПОВЫШЕНИЯ МАСТЕРСТВА ХОККЕИСТОВ И ТРЕНЕРОВ