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I'm looking for a talented script writer who can create a compelling and engaging script for a series of work stories. The script will be used for a radio broadcast and its main purpose is to promote our product/service to industry professionals. It should be: site : [login to view URL] Tone: Professional and formal Audience: Primarily industry professionals Key responsibilities include: Crafting a promotionally effective script that maintains a formal tone throughout Ensuring the script is engaging and informative for the target audience Ideal candidates for this job should have: Previous experience in writing for radio (especially in a promotional context) The ability to adapt their writing style to suit a professional and formal tone An understanding of how to engage and inform a professional audience When applying, please provide samples of your previous relevant work or a portfolio that showcases your ability to write in a similar style.
22.07.2024 | 11:22 [поднят: 22.07.2024 | 11:22]
Заказ находится в архиве
Теги: составить коммерческое предложение, составить текст описание, нужно написать текст, требуется копирайтер, ищу копирайтера, написать продающий текст, нужен копирайтер