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SEO Specialist

Отзывы фрилансеров: + 0 - 0
Зарегистрирован на сайте 2 месяца
64000 ₽ — 140000 ₽

As an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Specialist, you will be responsible for improving a company's organic search rankings and increasing visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Your primary focus will be on developing and implementing strategies to optimize website content, improve site architecture, and drive organic traffic growth. You will collaborate closely with content creators, web developers, and marketing teams to achieve SEO objectives and enhance overall digital presence.

Key Responsibilities:

1. Keyword Research and Analysis: 

• Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-value keywords relevant to the target audience and business objectives.

• Analyze keyword competitiveness and search volume to prioritize target keywords for optimization.

2. On-Page Optimization: 

• Optimize website content, meta tags, and headers to align with target keywords and improve search engine visibility.

• Improve site architecture, internal linking structure, and URL structure for better crawlability and indexation.

3. Technical SEO: 

• Audit website for technical SEO issues such as crawl errors, broken links, and duplicate content.

• Implement technical fixes and optimizations to improve website performance and search engine rankings.

• Ensure website compliance with search engine guidelines and best practices.

4. Content Optimization: 

• Collaborate with content creators to develop SEO-friendly content that addresses user intent and search queries.

• Optimize content for target keywords, readability, and engagement.

• Implement content strategies to attract backlinks and improve domain authority.

5. Off-Page Optimization: 

• Develop and execute link-building strategies to acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

• Monitor backlink profile and disavow toxic links to maintain website health and authority.

6. Performance Monitoring and Reporting: 

• Track key SEO metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates.

• Analyze performance data to identify trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement.

• Prepare regular reports and dashboards to communicate SEO performance to stakeholders.

7. Stay Updated on SEO Trends and Best Practices: 

• Keep abreast of industry trends, algorithm updates, and best practices in SEO.

• Experiment with new tools and techniques to improve SEO performance and drive innovation.


• Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, Computer Science, or related field.

• Proven experience as an SEO Specialist or similar role, with a strong track record of improving organic search rankings and driving traffic growth.

• In-depth knowledge of SEO principles, algorithms, and ranking factors.

• Proficiency in SEO tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, SEMrush, Moz, or similar.

• Strong analytical skills and ability to interpret data to make informed decisions.

• Excellent communication and collaboration skills.

• Experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a plus.

• Relevant certifications such as Google Analytics or Google Ads certifications are desirable.

• Working in English is a must.

About the Team:

We are fully remotely team specilizing cross platform apps, currently we opearte our own products. We are looking for a UI/UX freelancer to join our team.

Занятость в часах в неделю
Ставка в час
501 — 1 000 ₽
Опыт работы
3-6 лет
Требуемые навыки:
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График работы
Свободный график
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Почасовая оплата
15.04.2024 | 11:36 [истекает 15.05.2024г.]
Вакансия находится в архиве


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