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Summary: A new paper reviews some of the possible psychological and neurological disorders experienced by characters in Alice in Wonderland.
Source: The Tutor Pages.

Now Im opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! Good-bye, feet! (for when she looked down at her feet, they seemed to be almost out of sight, they were getting so far off). The moment Alice arrives in Wonderland, she goes through a series of strange metamorphic changes, becoming larger or smaller after ingesting certain foods and liquids. These sensations are also experienced by individuals with a certain medical condition termed Alice in Wonderland syndrome (AIWS). AIWS was first described in 1955 by a British psychiatrist Dr. John Todd, who noticed that many of his younger patients experienced distortions in the size of objects or body parts (metamorphopsia) as a result of their migraines. He noted a strong association between these symptoms and migraines, and determined that AIWS may constitute a rare migraine variant.

In fact, Lewis Carroll himself is reported to have suffered from migraines and manifested his experiences in his writing. For instance, Alice being blinded by moonlight may refer to the tendency of bright light to stimulate or intensify a migraine. AIWS is commonly experienced during childhood and tends to disappear during teenage years. In addition to distortions of size, patients may also experience changes in the shape or distance of objects and a distorted perception of time. These sensations may be accompanied by a lingering of sensory input, such as auditory or tactile sensations after the source has been removed.

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02.03.2018 | 14:40 [последние изменения: 02.03.2018 | 14:42]

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