Lidya Mirzoyan
Предыдущая работа

Interior Design

Просмотров: 1
Дата добавления: 26.09.19 в 22:44
Дата обновления: 26.09.19 в 22:49
Restoration and conversion to apartments of historic artist's studio in Via Torre del Gallo.
The existing situation is an abandoned artist's studio built in 1902. It is part of a complex of buildings surrounding the Torre del Gallo, a "castle" built in the 1700's. The entire complex is now in a form of condominium with various separate houses, larger dependencies converted to apartments, the Torre and its immediate surroundings. The owner of several of these buildings and the artist's studio wishes to develop the building as apartments to be rented.
Следующая работа
Interior Design
Interior Design
Interior Design
Interior Design

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