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Just give them emotions!

Просмотров: 1
Дата добавления: 09.08.08 в 01:07
Полный перевод сайта cvetog.ru для англоязычной аудитории.

The tradition of presenting flowers as a sign of respect and love comes from earliest times. It is popular almost all over the world. There is a huge variety of sorts and colors for these tender and fragrant messengers of human feelings. But, nevertheless it often happens so, that amorously chosen bouquet gets lost among the others’ flower gifts. Later, the person, who had received the bouquet does not even remember, whom he or she got it from. 
What could be done?
Today we have an opportunity to make the flowers "talking”! It rests with you to help the others with that while receiving considerable profit yourself. 
"How come?” –  You would ask.
Everything is simple. «Floradesign» company produces congratulatory endorsements for flowers. Now the same rose can "say” absolutely different things, depending on the cusmomer’s wish. Just put a special harmless text sticker onto its tender petals.
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