Elena Mapstich
Заказчик Elena Mapstich BugPub | FL.RU

Elena Mapstich

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30 Ноября 2011
По договоренности
Для удалённой работы на новом проекте требуются тестировщики.

Testing engineer

BugPub is a CrowdTesting by real people from around the world with LinkedIn professional profiles.
We are about to hit the ground running new testing community that is going to make software testing open and interesting for everyone. We are giving unique combinations of professional crowd testing from Real people and Real testing background across the globe.

We are looking for talented specialist with full passion in testing and QA. The candidate will be handling multiple projects by participating in testing rounds, bug battles, pre-release verifications, End to End software validation and verification. One of important activity will be coordination and collaboration with clients, as well as other testers and analysts that will be located in different locations across the world.

The candidate should be able to report high quality detailed bug and issue reports, follow up on issues promptly and according with our workflow and practices. To provide early feedback to our clients, our projects will be mostly quick bug hunting with short notices about upcoming release, so we expect from you flexibility and quickness.
Required skills:
- strong analytical mindset
- passion to break software
- you are real geek
- you know how to address compatibility, integration, localization and other types of testing
- good knowledge of Windows or *nix
- proficiency in network protocols, web technologies

- some experience in testing
- security testing experience
- test automation experience

Qualified candidates � please send your resume or LinkedIn profile along with links on 2-3 bugs posted through bugpub.com (we practice it as short qualification check in order to speed up our recruiting process) at careers@bugpub.com

Прошло времени с момента публикации: 13 лет 14 дней 11 часов 14 минут
Раздел: Аутсорсинг и консалтинг / QA (тестирование)

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Сведения об ООО «Ваан» внесены в реестр аккредитованных организаций, осуществляющих деятельность в области информационных технологий. ООО «Ваан» осуществляет деятельность, связанную с использованием информационных технологий, по разработке компьютерного программного обеспечения, предоставлению доступа к программе для ЭВМ и является правообладателем программы для ЭВМ «Платформа FL.ru (версия 2.0)».